Survey Links

Are you looking for ways to share your thoughts and experiences with the companies you love? Online surveys are a great way to provide valuable feedback and potentially win rewards for your time! Whether you're a frequent shopper or just had a one-time experience, your opinions matter. Check out these official survey sites to get started:

Taking a few minutes to complete the ACME Markets customer satisfaction survey could earn you a $100 gift card! All you need is a recent receipt, and you're ready to share your thoughts. It's a great way to help ACME Markets improve their services and products for future visits.


Have you recently activated a new Mastercard? Your feedback on the activation process can help the company improve its services for future customers. Participate in their quick survey and let them know what they can do better. Your input is valuable and could lead to enhancements that benefit everyone.


If you frequently shop at Advance Auto Parts, why not take part in their survey? By providing your feedback, you not only help them improve their service but also stand a chance to win rewards. It's a win-win situation where your opinion could lead to better customer experiences in the future.


Bagel lovers, this one’s for you! If you’ve recently visited a Bagel Experience location, don’t miss out on the opportunity to share your thoughts through their survey. Whether it’s about the taste, the service, or the ambiance, your feedback can help make your next visit even better. Plus, you might get some sweet rewards for your time.


Bargain hunters rejoice! If you've shopped at Bargain Shop recently, now’s your chance to let them know how they’re doing. By completing their customer satisfaction survey, you can share your experience and suggest improvements. Who knows, your feedback might just lead to better deals and services in the future.


Big Lots is always looking to improve its customer service, and they want to hear from you! If you've shopped there recently, take a few minutes to complete their survey. Your insights can help shape the future of their store, ensuring that you and others have an even better shopping experience next time.


If you've recently taken a Big Lots survey or want to give more detailed feedback, visit their dedicated survey website. This is your opportunity to make a real impact by providing honest opinions on your shopping experience. With your help, Big Lots can continue to improve and offer even better service.


Are you a Big Lots rewards member? Don't forget to check out their rewards program after completing the survey. By participating, you not only provide valuable feedback but also learn how you can maximize your rewards on future purchases. It's a great way to get more out of your shopping experience.


For all you bagel enthusiasts, there's more than just feedback waiting for you at Bagel Experience. Whether you’re a regular or a first-time visitor, your thoughts on their service, food quality, and environment are crucial for their continued success. Plus, who wouldn't want to improve their bagel experience?


If you're part of the Advance Auto Parts rewards program, taking their survey can help you get even more out of it. Share your shopping experiences and discover how your feedback can lead to improved rewards and service. It's a simple way to ensure your voice is heard and valued.


Surveys are more than just a way to give feedback—they're an opportunity to contribute to the businesses you care about. By taking part in these surveys, you help companies like ACME Markets, Big Lots, and others enhance their services, making every shopping experience better for you and others. So, don’t miss out—your opinion matters!

0812 8855 6321

Mengapa Memilih Kami?

Sudah Ratusan Brand Mempercayakan Produksi
Pada Kami

Industri kreatif Indonesia harus meningkat! Maka dari itu, kami TUNAS KARYA MANDIRI salah satu Konveksi terbaik di Jakarta Pusat akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk anda dengan hasil produksi terbaik!



  • Minimum Quantity
    Kuantitas minimum yang harus dipenuhi untuk memulai proses produksi produk terkait adalah 20 pcs/desain/warna. Permintaan produksi dibawah kuantitas minimum kemungkinan besar akan ditolak atau apabila diterima akan berakibat pada naiknya harga produksi yang sangat signifikan.
  • Proses Sampling
    Kami selalu menyarankan kamu untuk melakukan produksi sample terlebih dahulu, agar produksi masal kamu memiliki standart kualitas yang dapat disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak. Sample terkait juga akan dijadikan patokan untuk proses klaim garansi apabila ada produk yang berada di bawah standart. Proses Sampling akan memakan waktu produksi 1-2 minggu dan memakan biaya 2x harga produksi/pcs produk kamu. Kamu juga bisa langsung melakukan produksi masal tanpa melalui proses sampling terlebih dahulu, akan tetapi Vendorin tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap kesalahan pada hasil akhir produksi yang diakibatkan oleh kesalahan penafsiran desain.
  • Lama Pengerjaan
    Proses pengerjaan akan memakan waktu sekitar 15-50 hari kerja tergantung dari tipe produk yang kamu produksi, kuantitas produksi, komunikasi, ketersedian bahan dan kerumitan desain.
  • Proses Pengiriman
    Opsi pengiriman bisa menggunakan jasa JNE, TIKI, dan layanan pengiriman Cargo. Besar biaya pengiriman tergantung dari total berat produk dan ditanggung oleh costumer.
  • Garansi Produk dan Proses Claiming
    Untuk menjamin kepuasan kamu, Vendorin menyediakan product warranty selama 7 hari setelah barang kamu terima! Untuk melakukan klaim garansi, kamu hanya perlu menghubungi admin Vendorin melalui Whatsapp dan menyampaikan keluhan kamu terkait hasil produksi. Nantinya admin Vendorin akan mengedukasi kamu terkait ketentuan garansi Vendorin dan tahap tahap yang harus kamu lakukan agar produkmu dapat diperbaiki atau bahkan diproduksi ulang.



Percetakan, Reklame, Konveksi & Perdagangan Umum

Senen – Pasar jaya blok 3 lantai 1 no 263.264.265 cks. Jakarta Pusat


  • 0857 7710 1848
  • 0857 7684 8599
  • 0812 8268 0044
  • 0812 8855 6321


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